Friday, May 24, 2019
Doctrine of sin
Possibly, Adam and eventide could ommunicate with animals, further again that is pure speculation. Satan begins the temptation with a question, Hath divinity fudge not give tongue to Ye shall no eat of each tree of the tend? (Gen. 3 1) This is the way of Satan to bring into question what God has plainly stated. It is actually bringing God Himself into question. To question God is call forth that God could be wrong, or have some deplorable reason for what He says. Eves response was to correct Satans question, by stating that she and Adam could eat of all the trees of the garden except the one tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.Eve goes on further to say they could not eat or touch it lest they die. God had said in Genesis 217, that they should not eat it. God did not say anything about touching it. This addition to what God had said seems to indicate that Eve resented the fact of God prohibition not to eat of that particular tree. On the other hand, it coul d mean that she was indicating her understanding that God did not want them to have anything to do with this tree. God said not to eat the proceeds she concluded she shouldnt even touch it. Eve then allowed herself to be deceived in three atomic number 18as.First, Eve precept the fruit was good for food, appealing to the flesh and bodily senses. Second, She saw it was pretty, appealing to the emotions, and third, it appealed to her mind and intellect, in that she wanted to be wise. Eve then proceeded to give the fruit to Adam, and he ate the fruit. Genesis 37 states that after Adam sinned, both their eyes were opened and they saw themselves as naked and they became ashamed. They had submitted to temptation, they had been plunged down into the depths of destruction. What an fantastic realization it must have been. What emptiness and depths of shame they must have felt.Basic Words of Sin Ryrie stated in his book Basic Theology that there are eight radical terminology for sin in the Old testament I will go through a excogitate study of the basic haggle of sin. Chata is the basic intelligence information for sin its basic meaning of sin is missing the mark. Its also correspondent to the Greek formulate hamartano. Chata is seen in the Old Testament 522 times. Ra is another word used in the Old Testament it was use about 444 times. Its equivalent to the words kakos and poneros. The basic meaning of Ra is good luck up or ruin, it has also been translated to the word wicked, and it often operator calamities.The basic meaning of Pasha is to rebel it is often translated to transgression. The word Awon is often used in connection with suffering and servant, and with defiant sin. It also includes the ideas of guilt and iniquity. Shagag sum err or go astray. It calls an account to the error as the one committing the error to be responsible. The word Asham was found many times in connection with the ritual of the tabernacale, the main idea is the guil t betor e God. It includes botn intentional and unintentional guilt, because it entitles the guilt and sin offerings.Rasha was a word that was not sed as much before the Exile, it means to be wicked. The last word Taah means to go astray or wander away. Taah means the sin is deliberate, and it was not accidental, even if the person might not realize it. Ryrie made a few things clear in his word study of the words from the New Testament. First sin comes in many different forms. Secondly sin is and will always be disobedient to God. Lastly, Ryrie states that disobedience involved both positive and negative ideas, the emphasis is on the positive commission of wrong and not merely on the negative omission of good.Basically Sin was not only missing the mark, but also hitting the wrong mark. Their twelve basic words of sin displayed in the New Testament I will put up a word study from the different definitions given in Basic Theology by Ryrie. The word Kakos means bad, it can be used for physic al badness, but it usually indicates moral badness. The word Poneros is a term that means evil, and mostly always implies moral evil. Asebes is a word that means godless it appears with other words that mean sin. Enochos is a word that means guilty, it also means that there crime was punishable by death.Hamartia was a word that was used at least 227 times in the New Testament It was used in many different forms. It was said to use the same representation as the statement from the word study in the Old Testament, missing the mark. As well as having that negative idea, it proposes the good idea of hitting the wrong mark. Adikia means any unworthy conduct, its mainly used in the context of unsaved people. Anomos is a word that means lawless, or basically breaking the law. It can also be translated to iniquity. The word Parabates means transgressor, it usually relates to violations of the law.When referring to ignorant worship, or worshiping something or someone other then the true God , its called Agnoein. The word Planao means to go astray. Paraptoma is a word that means to fall away, and is commonly seen to be deliberate. The last word is Hypocrisis, it has three ideas that help demonstrate its meaning. The first idea is interpret falsely, the second idea is to pretend standardised and actor does, and the last one is to follow an interpretation that you already know is false. Ryrie pointed at three assumptions that can be taken from the new testament word study.The first one is when a sin is ommitted there is always a pure standard, the second is that most sin is a direct rebellion against God as well as offense against his standards, and mans responsibility is specific and is understood. Character of Sin Some people think of sin as simply doing evil acts. 0 But sin is an inherent inward disposition inclining us to do wrong. (Alan Jacobs) Sin is a state of existence original sin. 0Original sin represents the sinful sta
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